A Global Network
With several permanent systems already in place around the globe and several more in the works, as well as previous collaborations with other groups internationally using our portable PiCam Minis, we are already working toward a global network of remote sensing systems.
We continue to work in partnership with our long-term collaborators, Ckelar Volcanes. Together we installed two PiCam Permanent systems, one at Lascar and the other at Lastarria, in the challenging extreme high altitude environment of the Andes. Using our PiCams, they have captured some of the first UV camera measurements at volcanoes in the north of Chile.
We worked with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to install a PiCam Permanent system at Kilauea to monitor the Sulfur Dioxide emissions from the summit crater. Thus far it has captured a range of different styles of activity, including gas emissions from a lava lake and lava fountains.
In work funded by the Royal Society we have conducted bilateral knowledge exchange visits with BPPTKG and installed a permanent camera making measurements of gas release at Merapi volcano. Merapi has exhibited some large eruptions in the past and we hope that our instrumentation, integrated within their monitoring network, will contribute toward improved alerts systems and mitigation for the next eruption and beyond.
Working with IGEPN, we have installed two permanent cameras at Reventador and Cotopaxi volcanoes. Cotopaxi is located in close proximity to the capital of Ecuador, Quito, while Reventador has frequent smaller scale explosions that mean monitoring of both volcanoes is essential for the surrounding communities.
In a new collaboration with the Colima Observatory and the Universidad de Colima, we have recently installed a permanent camera system at Volcan de Colima. The instrument at Colima is linked via satellite telemetry to enable remote access from anywhere in the world.
PiCam Minis
Our PiCam Minis really get around! At least one typically travels with our team wherever they go, but they have had several dedicated field campaigns in the past few years. We used multiple cameras in tandem at both Stromboli, Italy and Yasur, Vanuatu to capture emissions from the complex summit areas on both volcanoes. Both locations are particularly interesting due to their frequent eruptions and multiple gas sources. They have also visited Pacaya in Guatemala with our team at the University of Sheffield.
We have also sent PiCam Minis out on loan to a whole host of locations:
Sakurajima, Japan (University of Exeter)
Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (University of Bristol)
Ol Doinyo Langai, Tanzania and Villarrica, Chile (Cambridge University)
Sangay, Ecuador (INGV)
Yasur, Vanuatu (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Cleveland Volcano, Alaska, USA (Columbia University)
Reykjanes Peninsula Eruptions, Iceland (University of New Mexico)